There are some things that Australians love more than almost any other country in the world. One of these things are their bakeries, another is their love of sports, another their reliance and enthusiastic participation in public holidays and usually all these things collide. An example of the latter two is that South Australia has a ‘public holiday’ and a large party celebration for the Melbourne Cup. This entertains me for several reasons. First, besides on the Melbourne Cup day, I don’t know anyone in South Australia who gets excited about horse racing. Secondly, Melbourne isn’t even in South Australia and thirdly, or perhaps I should have mentioned this first, it’s not even a real public holiday here but South Australian’s love it so much everyone basically just takes the day off anyway.
On any public holiday, be it a random Tuesday or a more appropriate Monday, you will find a trail of cars tracking down kilometres of South Road all heading out of the city and, weather permitting, to the beaches. The coastal villages and holiday destinations South of Adelaide swell in these peak times, as do the bellies of holiday goers filling up on baked and fried goods. Be it if you are headed to Kangaroo Island, Second Valley or if you fancied a scenic detour to Victor Harbour you would find yourself driving south on the B23 and through a little village called Yankalilla, perfectly placed geographically at a time when your stomach would be grumbling for lunch.
YankalillaView on Map
The Yankalilla bakery is one that I know unashamedly well. Having first been when I visited Australia a few years ago on one of these beach outings, I’ve since been back as it’s en route to my husband’s family holiday home. The praises I could sing in regard to their spinach and chicken slice would warrant a blog in its own right. The bakery has a wide selection of baked goods, glistening and calling from their exalted glass shelves, savoury and sweet. The bakery also caters on the busier business days to specific dietary requirements, like the availability of Gluten Free items which can please the whole family. I’ve never been to Yankalilla and not had to queue, but there’s always a seat to be had nearby.
They don’t try and do anything too fancy with their donuts, they serve up what they know the public want. And once you’ve eaten your pies and Kransky, nothing settles down better with an iced coffee than a $2.50 donut.